Connect and sync with Google Merchant Center using Content API
Get alerted about any issues or get them imported into our platform to use for adjustments.
Control your settings from one place
From schedules to merchant promotions, control all under one unified interface.
Connect using API
For premium stream-based integrations use content API to pass your data in real time.
Google Ads Management
Manage your Google Ads Shopping campaigns and incorporate various reports into feeds
Performance metrics
Import your performance data and build various reports against your items.
Custom labels
Build various dynamic custom labels helping you to improve your campaigns with ease such as 0 impression items, bestsellers, and more.
Manage your campaigns from one place
Manage your shopping campaigns using one unified interface.
Google Analytics Reporting
All the types of custom labels at your click
Import metrics data
Import your GA performance metrics and build various reports to stay on top of your feed performance.
Slice and dice your data
Import data from GA and compare it through your product's view across individual items or aggregated levels helping you to establish best-performing items, brands, categories, and more.
Custom labels
Easily build dynamic and automatically updated custom labels using GA data to flag bestsellers, organic sellers, and more.